glasgow club swimming booking
, "19:15" Tennis CAN be booked through our booking website at as well as the app. "ClassSiteName": "CUTTXHF50003345" *** We are delighted to welcome you back to our club with all facilities fully operational and to make things easier for you there is no longer any need to book a place in the gym or the pool. { "ClassSiteID": "ID": "ClassSiteName": "2021-11-25T10:00:00+00:00" "Eileen Gallagher" "2021-11-24T06:45:00+00:00" "ClassSiteName": Buchanan Galleries, with over 90 stores and . , "ClassStartDateTime": "ClassSiteID": "ClassActivityID": , "ClassDuration": , , , "2021-11-24T11:15:00+00:00" "ClassSiteName": "2021-11-23T19:00:00+00:00" }, "ClassName": The programme has also been awarded SwiMark Plus, which is Scottish Swimming's quality mark for learn to swim . , "SRTLC" , "Tollcross" "ClassActivityGroupID": "ClassActivityGroupID": "ClassInstructor": "ClassStartDate": "ClassSiteID": "ID": "ClassStartTime": "Diane Kelly" }, "ClassStartTime": , "ClassName": On occasion filming and photography may take place in the venue. , , "ID": , Our swimming pools at Barrhead Foundry, Eastwood Park Leisure and Neilston Leisure are open to members and Pay as You Go customers. "12:00" , , "CUTTXHF50002852" And for those who want to brush up on their backstroke, there's also one-to-one adult swimming coaching. , "ClassDuration": }, "45min" For information on cookies and how you can disable them visit our Privacy and Cookie Policy. "Michael Devlin" "ClassStartDateTime": "2021-11-23T07:00:00+00:00" "ClassActivityID": "ClassSiteName": , "Yoga" "SRTLC" "CUTTXHF50003341" , Learn to Swim, Adult Learn to Swim, Rookie Lifeguard, Fun Pool Activities, If you require documents in large print, braille, or audio versions please email:, Glasgow Life, Commonwealth House, 38 Albion Street, Glasgow G1 1LH. "ClassSiteID": "2724434" "45min" There are restrictions on public swimming sessions at Barrhead Foundry main pool from 7.30pm to 9pm on Wednesday 17 November. "Carol Munro" { "AG003" , , "ClassSiteName": , "ID": }, , "2021-11-26T00:00:00+00:00" , , , "ClassStartDate": , "ClassStartTime": "ClassActivityGroupID": "ClassInstructor": { "18:00" "ClassStartDate": "ClassSiteID": { "ClassSiteName": "ClassActivityID": Sign up or log in and start saving , "45min" +44 141 226 5577. , "ClassName": "ClassInstructor": "ClassInstructor": "CUTTXHF50002858" "Tollcross" , "ClassStartDateTime": "Ft Fit" "ClassDuration": "06:30" "CUTTXHF50002853" , One-day pass: Free. Explore our museums, exhibitions and online collections. "ClassStartDate": "ClassDuration": "2021-11-26T00:00:00+00:00" , , "10:30" , , , , , , , Choose a membership (including free Pay As You Go) to get started Need Help? "ID": "AG003" "Tollcross" "SRTLC" "2724662" "ClassActivityGroupID": , , "45min" "Body Pump" Youth Swim £1.75 , , "ClassActivityID": "ClassSiteID": , "ClassInstructor": The Yearling' is a young adults novel written by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings. It was published in March 1938. It won the Pulitzer Prize to the author in 1939. "ClassActivityID": , }, "SRTLC" Found inside – Page 25He was CARDEN , JOHN CECIL , of Redhouse and Port Elizabeth , Cape Colony , and of the River Club , is the 2nd son of ... who commanded the 2nd Batt . of the Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers . born August 3 , 1870 , at Glasgow , Scotland ... "ClassSiteID": , "ClassStartTime": 2. , "CUTTXHF50003125" "20:15" "75min" "ClassActivityGroupID": "Nicole Gallacher" "2021-11-24T00:00:00+00:00" "ClassInstructor": The Lagoon Leisure Centre (located in the heart of Paisley, 15 mins from Glasgow) is the flagship centre of Renfrewshire Leisure and caters for activities such as swimming, fitness, aerobics, various sporting activities and events. "ClassStartDateTime": "Ft Fit" , "18:45" "ID": "AG003" "AG003" , "2021-11-25T17:45:00+00:00" "Tollcross" "ClassSiteName": , "ClassActivityGroupID": "ClassStartTime": }, "ClassDuration": 2. , "ClassSiteName": }, "ClassActivityGroupID": , "Gym Team" "ClassName": , "ClassStartTime": "2021-11-25T18:00:00+00:00" , , , "ClassSiteName": , "ClassStartDate": If you already have a HomePortal account, please login below: Email Address or Card ID. , "2021-11-25T00:00:00+00:00" "ClassStartDateTime": "ID": Check out gigs, exhibitions and festivals around Glasgow. "ClassDuration": , "2724473" "Tollcross" "ClassName": Found inside – Page 168SWIMMING is perhaps the most valuable of all athletic accomplishments , since the swimmer is not only able to preserve his own life , should he by accide fall into the water ; but , as the records of the Royal Humane Society tell us ... "Activ Club Gym Session" , "45min" , "ClassStartTime": , , }, , }, "ClassActivityID": "Gym Team" Found inside – Page 579Athenia " . first vessel to be sunk in World War II ; subsequently served with Gow Harrisons , Glasgow , and Raeburn ... churches and graveyards ; swimming ; tennis ; billiards . Clubs : RSL . Port Moresby ; Company of Master Mariners . "ClassSiteName": , , "2724847" , One-day pass: £8 for general public / £6 for UofG students & staff. , "ID": "ClassInstructor": "ClassActivityGroupID": , , "ClassSiteName": "AG003" "ClassInstructor": "ClassActivityID": "2724848" "ClassActivityGroupID": , "Tollcross" "2724343" "2724922" "ClassStartDate": , , "ClassActivityID": { "SRTLC" "18:30" "ClassActivityID": In the main foyer area accessible on ground floor. "Yoga" , "2724692" "2021-11-24T00:00:00+00:00" "ClassDuration": "ClassStartTime": "CUTTXHF50002841" "ClassName": "ClassDuration": , }, "ID": , "ClassStartTime": "ClassActivityID": "ClassSiteID": , Why not book a class in the custom built fitness studios and show the pros how it's done? , Found inside... Swimming British Sub - Aqua Club , Telfords Quay , Ellesmere Port , South Wirral L65 4FY ; Tel 051-357 1951 ; Regional Coach for North Scotland Mrs A. Farrow Scottish Sub - Aqua Club , The Cockburn Centre , 40 Bogmore Pl . Glasgow ... , "45min" , Find support, learning and events in your local community. { "17:45" "ClassActivityGroupID": "2021-11-24T00:00:00+00:00" "ClassName": "ClassActivityID": "ClassStartDate": , Found inside – Page 214Educated : Royal Technical College , Glasgow . Club : Naval & Military . Professional career : After working in the UK , Recreation : Golf . Malawi , Zimbabwe , Zambia and Kenya became partner of the Muir Wilson Group in 1957 . , From Kinesis stations to the latest Arke equipment, you'll find new ways to get in shape, with a variety of exciting fitness classes. "2724568" "ClassName": "ClassStartDate": , , , , , The state-of-the-art complex at Maryhill has transformed the area, and West Enders can take advantage of fresh facilities like the modern gym, health suite and sparkling pool. Children over 8 and under 18 years can swim unaccompanied. , "ClassStartDate": "ClassName": "ID": "2021-11-26T10:30:00+00:00" "ClassDuration": , , "ClassSiteName": , , "2021-11-26T10:00:00+00:00" "ClassStartDate": "CUTTXHF50003363" "45min" "ClassStartDate": Become a member of UofG SPORT. , , "ClassName": "ClassStartDate": , Found insideSo, contenders for the hardiest were surely four members of the Aberdeen Sea Swimming Club, pictured in 1948 by the ... In the south, the Highlanders keep up the custom and in Glasgow, Edinburgh and London the local shinty clubs never ... , "45min" "ClassName": "AG003" "45min" "ClassSiteID": "2021-11-23T19:15:00+00:00" "ClassName": , "ID": "SRTLC" , "Tollcross" 0141 276 1490. , "ID": Find a Learn to Swim class for you or your child today! "ClassSiteID": "CUTTXHF50003328"
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